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The Tempest

Donald's picture

    ….usually my ideas for paintings come to me as crystalline visual offerings.... but once my brush touches paint a murkiness descends upon these emerging images... I am no longer certain of my theme... all that matters is to find a rhythm for my human forms.... sometimes this uncertainty persists for months or even years... and then one working day a fog lifting.... my composition reveals its meaning.

….my current “shakespeare series” is no exception.......images began to insist themselves upon my canvases before I was cognizant of the bard's influence.... so it has been with my paintings of “the Tempest”... here are various stages of my painting's journey to the isle of Prospero....

…..and although this painting began on a small canvas...when it revealed itself, I glued it to a larger space and continued....this often happens....for me the expansion of one moment into another.....